I'm not blogging to get anyone attention, I'm just like doing it. It's like my diary. and I don't trying to be popular in here. I'm not try that hard to do stuff like that :D
Jumat, Juli 29, 2011
Senin, Juli 25, 2011
Forever young
Busy like crazy, a stack of book are my friend lately, I easily get irritated. By the way I fall from My matic last thursday. wounded everywhere but I'm ok, well my mom sound crazy for several minute when I came home and she saw me bleed. My parka is ripped and I'm in total wet. rain made motorcycle wheel slippery, and I'm in the rush to get home. Well, I'm still lucky though, there's no truck behind me :D and my laptop on my backpack is safe :D thank's God.
This random picture from my olympus digital camera, me, nonanuni and rinja-rinja.
J.Co Donut Bandung Indah Plasa Mall

Payung Studio, Dago Pakar
(I forget name of this place, it's rinja-rinja friend stall)
Mangkok Ayam, Setiabudhi Mall
J.Co Donut
dSe Factory Outlet, Dago
Basement of Art Department, Indonesian University of Education Bandung
(outfit : Vidova plaid shirt, Levi's jacket, Elips Jegging, Creme Oxford shoes, 'Heart' T shirt, Elips Jeans, MNG cropped military jacket, Camel Oxford, Mulberry bag, Parka, Leopard faux fur)
I'm kind of mess there...
just me,
out and about
Jumat, Juli 15, 2011
Dynamite in my head
I missed myself, the no-hurts-feeling person I used to be. I hate to be this over sensitive, I hate to be this overreact. And I'm tired to worried that people won't like me the way I am. I'm tired, irritated, annoyed. I want to be what I am, but everyone around me force me to act like this over sensitive bitch. I hate that.
People said what goes around comes around, now I wish for that to them. I wish the hurts that they gave me, will come back to them. Karma is do exist.
And by the way I cried when I watch ' A walk to remember ' movie. I don't know why, It's because its romantic movie ? or maybe my real life is lack of romance ? I don't really know.
Sometimes I wish my life like a movie, bad people get's what they have to. And the main role live happily ever after.
just me
I dont make enemies
Friends come and gone, and the end we're on our own. Never mind, I'm a survivor. It's not that bad to be alone.
I don't make friend to hate them at the end, It just too tiring.
Why can't it as simple as friendship when I was toddler ? everything seems bright and shining there..
just me
Kamis, Juli 14, 2011
Quotes of the Day #34
"Optimist: Person who travels on nothing from nowhere to happiness"
- Mark Twain
Quotes of the day
Selasa, Juli 12, 2011
Gobbledigook - Sigur Ros live with Bjork at Naturra
I just found this amazing video from my friend! Awesome ! I always love Bjork and Sigur Ros.. now they on one stage.. just beyond the awesomeness..
Senin, Juli 04, 2011
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