Selasa, November 24, 2009

here there are the new moon movie clip


Di NEW MOON (TWILIGHT SAGA) Bella Swan get the paper cut from the present that alice gave for her 18th birthday, darah yang keluar dari tangannya bikin Jasper haus darah,, you know he's still trying to be vegetarian-vampire,, yah,,, Edward ninggalin Bella karena dia ga ingin membuat nyawa Bella terancam ( why dont he just bite her to made her like him..?? ). Bella frustasi untuk jangka waktu yang bikin Charlie-her father kesel sendiri liatnya. Bella akhirnya kembali bertemu dengan Jacob, inilah saat dimana Kesetiaan Bella dengan cintanya ama Edward yang udah ninggalin dia. Apa dia bakalan setia ama Ed,,, or berpaling ama her-best man Jacob.
Well, Edward is as SEXY as usual, Jasper terlihat kayak yang ke Gap pipis dicelana,,, hahhahahha... well, i'm really excited to watch this movie with my Babe....

here are some new moon movie clip

' whoooooooaaaaaaaaa...... '

'berubbbaaahhhh... !!!! seperti power ranger !!! '

' beauty'

' edward and emmet'

'surprise time'

' yeah baby,,, bite me,,,,'

' those kiss seem so real and breathtaking '

' drowning...'

' you look in so much pain ... '

'what do you think he's doing,, ???'

just some of great moment,,,

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