I love robert pattinson, i always think he's a cool easy going unhollywood actor, with a simply style, like everyday ordinary college guy, I also realize that today everyone hate him because the Twilight-Saga Fame,,, but in this movie, i cant see how 'Cullen' he is, He is really playing at this movie and become another mankind,,,

Robert Pattinson leads as Tyler Hawkins, an ordinary New York college student who had the issue about family tragedy and make him an sealed and irritable person, some of the reason is his father negligence cause his brother suicide. Tyler has a sister, who struggling with a school friend humiliation and trying hard to impressing her dad. besides his suicide brother, uncaring father, and sad sister, his parents has divorce, that's make him look perfectly lonely.
after a fight with some guy outside the bar, and being arrested by a cop, who is a father with a daughter who has seen her mom murdered in front of her eyes (Ally-Emile de Ravin). An ideas to revenge for the cop, Tyler roomate, Aidan. Persuade him to seduce her and toying her, Unfortunately he's in love with her for real.
After an emotional moments, when his father did not appear at his sister exhibition and when Ally left him when she knows the reason why he approaching her. Tyler go to fight to his dad, and screamed the truth about his feeling about him.
Everything is so much better, after the hair cut incident of his sister. Ally is back after Aidan apologized to her, and his father getting closer with his sister and him. He's feeling Happier than ever.
But tragedy came at the end, When his father accompany his sister to her school, and Ally cooking him breakfast. 9/11 incident happen, Tyler father office hit by a plane when he wait to his father office to meet his father lawyer after he arrested because he broke window his sister class. He gave an impact to everyone close to him. You know which building it is,,,,

when you see this movie poster, then maybe you'll understand what this movie about,, probably you wouldnt think this is just a drama romantic movie like Dear John, or the Lake house. This movie make you think how persons around feeling you when you leave them,,,
i love it so much..
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