Selasa, Desember 06, 2011



Inside my shopping bag, I think I spend too much...

How come She told me I'm a bitch, when I never think about her even once... I never hurt you, I never talking about you, but why you called me a bitch..? isn't that too cruel ? What did I do to you ? explain it to me... Cause as far as I know we're not really know each other...

Jumat, November 25, 2011

Graduation Kebaya

After 7 years of wandering or studying (in less amount of time, compared with my playing around time in campus), I finally going to graduate this december.. \(>v<)/ yaaaayyy...

It is a must for a girl to wear kebaya in graduation day, since I have no clue with this kind of outfit, I've got a little confuse... even to decide what color and what material I should choose..

After, circling around for a couple time, ask to this and that store in Pasar Baru Bandung, We're finally give up and stop at one huge store of fabric...

and here's the options..


Finally decide the fabric... then trying to choose a color..

And The Winner is...

Just hope it will suit me later, I'll update the result picture, since it's still a pieces of fabric

Kamis, November 24, 2011

Me, Him, Us, Them

I'm kinda screw up if talking about love. It's just every girl want a huge dose of romance in their life, and somehow not every boyfriend can gave it.. Sometimes disappointment filling inside my head, I think this is a wrong way of relationship, sometimes it feels so tired to handle all the complexness, Cause we both so stubborn, selfish, and cocky about ourself. It's feel like a never ending list of complains, and thousand time of break up and make up.. so exhausting and irritating..


And now this questions circling around my mind almost all the time, "Are we gonna make it? what are we fighting for? Love? is there still love?"

And I have no answer...

Minggu, November 13, 2011

Current Obsession

Currently obsessed with Lace Cardi and Sweater, It's super cold right now here, it's rainy season.. more than twice a week I have to pass the coldest area on the way to Bandung, Since I ride my motorcycle to go through there ,sometimes it's insanely cold... So I wore cardigan or sweater inside my parka or coat, for extra warmth :)

 Source : Weheartit

But warmth doesn't mean cannot be cute right? I love peach and salmon color recently.. pastel color, light and warm color.. I used to love bold and deep color. kinda weird for me.. so.. what happen with me ? :P

Selasa, November 08, 2011

What goes around comes around

I haven't been able to met my boyfriend since 8 month ago, sucks huh ? I think that another reason I'm so grumpy like old lady lately..


Source : Weheartit

 Ugh... I really need a dose of romance...